- Investment Features
- Policies, Act and Regulations
- Legal Framework
- Framework for Electricity Development
- Incentive Income Tax
- Import Concessions
- Repatriation of Foreign Exchange
- Export Opportunities
Company Name: Balephi Hydropower Ltd.
Company Registration: 2068/11/30 B.S.
Conversion into Public Ltd: 2073/09/18 B.S.
Department of Industry: 2070/09/17 B.S.
Registration No. : 91418/068/069-Pvt Ltd & 161420/073/074- Ltd
PAN No.: 601242944
Project under Development: ‘Upper Balephi A’ Hydropower Project (36.0MW)
Project Status: Under Construction
Financial Structure
Authorized Capital: NRs. 240 Crore
Issued Capital: NRs. 182.797 Crore
Paid Up Capital: NRs. 146.238 Crore
Financial Arrangement
Share Holders Investment: NRs. 182.797 Crore
Banks and Financial Investment: NRs. 521 Crore
Global IME Bank Ltd (Lead Bank)
Everest Bank Ltd (Co-Lead)
Sanima Bank Ltd (Member Co-Lead)
Rastrya Banijya Bank Ltd (Member)
With an aim to play a significant role in the development of this high-potential hydropower sector in the country, identification potential location and evaluate the necessary strengths and resources to develop hydropower contributing independence of power the country.
Deep involvement of private entrepreneurship is of utmost importance to reap the full benefit of this natural gift to the country and thereby take the country out of dependence on expensive foreign oil and gas for much of its energy supply.
We are guided by values such as good governance, abiding law of land, integrity, respect, accountability, social responsibility, and optimism in whatever we do.
Listen better Plan better Build better.
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